Friday, August 24, 2012

Because God gave me powerful blue eyes

Riding bikes in the summertime is much like breathing in and out for this crew.  Both boys learned to ride their bikes while on Dauphin Island, and that is a memory for me that I will never forget.  Carson was almost 6 and Mason was 4 years old.  They both hop on the bike and never looked back. And, they were both so very proud to ride without any training wheels.  We ride several times during the day and night.  At night, we all turn our lights on so that others can see us. Just an extra safety precaution that Tony thought would be good.

So, on this particular evening we all jumped on our bikes to go for a ride.  I reminded Mason to turn on his lights and he quickly realized the battery was dead on his light.  I told him to run in and ask his daddy for a new light.  Without any hesitation at all, Mason responds "mom, I do not need a light." I quickly respond, "yes, I think you do." Of course, this witty little 5 year old had a response and it went something like this......
"mom, what I think you do not realize is that God gave me blue eyes and these blue eyes have a speciality and that is to see in the dark. AND since you do not have blue eyes and you have green eyes, you probably didn't realize the power of the blue eyes."

And with that could I argue?!?
And, I have to add Carson was very impressed with this explanation. We all laughed and rode our bikes following the boy with the blue eyes.

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