Friday, May 27, 2011

Handprints on the wall.....

I have always tried my best to keep a clean & neat house.  Before the boys came along that was fairly easy, and the whole act of dusting, sweeping, & mopping did not take very long(especially when we lived in a 700 sq ft apartment).  Sometimes, I get frustrated that I do not have time to "keep it all up." For the past year, I have tried my best to let it go and really focus on what is important in life.  A dear friend said to me "one day your boys will be all grown up, but dust bunnies will always be around."  Good advice I think!! 

So with that, I have tried my best to let some things go.  It is not easy, but it has been nice not to be caught up in the constant concern that my house is "visitor ready."  I made a decision that I would do some cleaning, but limit myself on the area of time.  If it gets done great, but if not then stop & put it on a list for next week.  Time with my family is much more important!!

Today, I walked into the boy's bathroom.  Now, when we built our house I made sure I had a half bath for guests to use.  Pregnant with my sweet Carson, I knew at some point there would be a dribble or two on the toliet.  So, I made sure a half bath would be in this house.  It was absolutlely no talking me out of it!! No one would want to use a little boy's bathroom!   But today, as I go to leave their bathroom I see mud.....mud on the door, mud on the wall, & a muddy handprint on the light switch.  My first instinct was to grab a washcloth and wipe it....then I stopped.  I consciously stopped, giggled, and decided to leave it.  As I turned the light off, I thought to myself  how lucky I am to have muddy handprints on our walls.  God has blessed me more than I deserve and I am so very thankful for mud!  :)

Thursday, May 19, 2011

It has been so long....

It has been a very long time since my last post....we have been very busy and add a few laptop issues to aide in the craziness!  I honestly love to blog about everything, it makes me feel as if I am capturing the precious moments of our life. I read my last post and so much has happened are the highlights

Disney Trip in March
Baseball in March, April, & May(that consumed at lest 3 nights a week, sometimes 5)
BOAT, yep we finally bought a boat(all 3 guys are thrilled and I might be a tad bit excited too)
Easter-a memorable one because both boys truly understand why we celebrate
Mason completes 3K :)
Spring/Summer camping begins which has us wishing away May!

More to come, very soon and pics too!!!