Friday, July 15, 2011

Raising, praying, & hoping

So, yesterday we headed offshore to do a little snapper fishing.  The weather was perfect for this type of fishing, and we head out in hopes of bringing home some fine fish.  We meet up with some family, and they head out on their boat too.  They have two sweet boys that are older than our boys but go out of their way to make them feel extra special(hard to find mannerly pre-teen boys that are super sweet to little boys).
On the way out, I take in the setting around me.....the bright sun high in the sky reflecting on the water just the right way to make it glisten, the sky so blue with big bellowing clouds, and just enough wind to keep us cool or cool enough.  I have to admit that I was full, feeling blessed to be able to enjoy this wonderful scenery.  I think that I will always have to live close to water!  So with a grateful heart, I say a little prayer and ask for safety around these boats on the water. I also pray for my little guys, and then my mind drifts to our responsibility as their parents.  I sit and contemplate our actions, things we say and do around them...the life we are living before them. Are we raising them and giving them all the necessary skills they will need to be the best they can possibly be??  I know, deep thoughts on a boat.  But, I honestly think to re-check yourself is good sometimes.  It was then that I realized we raise, pray, and hope for the best for our children.  Our purpose is to lead a life pleasing to God, going about our days and doing what glorifies HIM....and that is all that truly matters.  
Oue lines are in the water, fish on!  Some are not large enough and a few just look at us and jump off the line!  But, a good day spent fishing & praying with my unit.  Oh and in matter of minutes the wind comes in and Tony says it is time to go.  Before we can get all the way to the dock, the waters become very rough.  But, in this rough water, I have peace.  I know without a doubt that we will be fine.  There are no words to describe this type of peace.  Even in the stormy weather, I am grateful.

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