Thursday, December 23, 2010

How many more days till........

For the past 3 weeks, the boys have asked "How many more days till Santa comes?"

They are excited beyond words. Even though they are looking forward to the toys Santa will bring, they also have shared with us the true meaning of Christmas. And with that, my heart melts....

This has been (and continues with each day that passes) the most rewarding Christmas season. We have thoroughly enjoyed each Collier tradition from decorating the tree the day after Thanksgiving, placing each lighted deer in the perfect place in our yard, baking cookies and eating raw ones too, giggling about our elf Dexter and the silly places he likes to land. But, most importantly the boys have surprised me with their understanding of this holiday & their eagerness to share with others. Both boys, at age 6 & 3 truly understand the reason we celebrate. They have discussed with family members that it is the day Jesus was born and that we celebrate by exchanging gifts. Carson says "we give each other gifts, but Jesus is the best gift of all."

A few favorite moments so far......

Helping with lights & deer

Train ride to the North Pole

Saturday, December 4, 2010

holly jolly

Holly Jolly Story Christmas 5x7 folded card
Get custom photo Christmas cards online at
View the entire collection of cards.